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If you're using Goproxy.cn as your Go module proxy. Then you need to know in order to improve caching and serving latencies, new revisions may not show up right away. If you want new revision to be immediately available in Goproxy.cn, then first make sure there is a semantically versioned tag for this revision in the source repository. Then explicitly request that tagged version via go get module@version. After couple of minutes for caches to expire, the go command will see that tagged version.

If you're using Goproxy.cn as your Go module proxy. Then you need to know whenever possible, Goproxy.cn aims to cache content in order to avoid breaking builds for people that depend on your module, so this bad release may still be available in Goproxy.cn even if it is not available at the origin. The same situation applies if you delete your entire repository. We suggest creating a new release and encouraging people to use that one instead.